Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Little Life Changers...

Have you ever been given something that you never knew you needed...but now that you have it, you wonder how did you ever live life without it?

I'm hoping that's what I'll feel like when I open my Christmas gift, that I ordered for myself on behalf of my dear hubby, for a ridiculously low price....something that, while I'm at school, I can simply press a button on my phone and have almost my entire house vacuumed by the time I get home.

Yeah, it's that good of a present. And I am almost positive I will wonder how I lived life without it.

But it's not Christmas yet. Instead, my wonderful nephew handed me a box at our last family night, and asked if there was any way I would be interested in trying out this product he picked up from work.

It was brand new...in the box....never been used.

I tried it today for the first time and I can honestly say....
it has forever changed how I drink coffee.

This little gem...the one in the back of the photo is a Keurig Cafe One-Touch Milk Frother. But instead of using milk, I simply added the whipping cream we use as our creamer.

Oh. My! Mind. Blown!

Seriously, if you enjoy a good cup of coffee, you should really try one of these. You will never go back to non-frothed coffee again.

Just another little item to add to my list of Favorite Things.

Now in the spirit of Julie Andrews and the Sound of Music (with my head back and arms stretched out wide), I invite you to sing along with me:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
Bright copper kettles and {warm frothy mixtures}.
Brown paper packages tied up with string.
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad....
I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel....
Sooooo ba-A-a-d!

Simply Enjoying My Favorite Things,

1 comment:

  1. These are the best! I bought my Daddy one for his birthday. He absolutely loves it. When we are together we get up early every morning, drink coffee, and solve the world’s problem. This made our morning cup just that much more amazing.
