Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Musings...

Monday and I are not good friends. If it's going to be a bad day, it's going to be on a Monday. I mean, you wait all week for the weekends and then BAM!'s Monday.  Usually I'm sitting at my desk wondering...
But today is a very special Monday. I'll give you a hint. Two words...

Spring. Break.

There are no plans (for a reason), so basically...
It's amazing what being lazy can do for one's morale! It's only 9:30 in the morning, I've had one cup of coffee and am heading to the Keurig for another. I have decided that...
And in case I don't get those cookies today, just remember...
We may just skip the cookies altogether and go..
Now, if you'll please...
or maybe...
Is it possible to be both?

Simply Undecided,

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