Saturday, November 14, 2020

All in the Mindset...

 If you suffer from thyroid issues, don't let anyone, including a doctor, tell you you can't lose weight. 

I recall one not so pleasant check-up a few years ago with my general physician, when I noticed the word overweight next to my weight in my file. Feeling rather discouraged, I asked my doctor if there was really anything I could do to change that.

Can I just say how disappointing it is to be told it's not big deal. There's really nothing you can do.


I did try anything from Keto to name it, I probably tried it. 

The scale would go down about five pounds and then it would go right back up.

But a few weeks ago my husband listened to an audiobook about feeding the muscle and burning the fat. The premise was so simple: no matter what diet you do, it always comes down to the amount of calories you take in. 

You can literally gain weight by eating healthy foods.

So we did some research, keeping in mind that we would need an app that could keep track of our daily calorie intake: my husband at 2000 and me at a lowly 1200.

After ten weeks, I hit my goal....

....of twenty pounds lost, proving that you can indeed lose weight with a thyroid problem.

It's been fun pulling out clothes from the back of my closet that I haven't fit into for years. In fact, I'm at a weight that I haven't seen since college!

So to all those naysayers, don't you listen. You CAN do it with a few simple changes.

Simply Shrinking,


  1. I know how hard this was for you Kari. I am so glad Jeff listened to that audio tape and you followed the advice. Good for you hon. I bet you look absolutely fantabulous! Love you bunches. Auntie Linda B.

    1. We both feel soooo much better!! Love you, too! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas!
