Monday, May 10, 2021

It's All Good...

No one enjoys going through the valleys that life brings. In fact, if we all had our choice, we'd would be happy with mountaintops, rainbows, and sunshine from here on out.

If only that were true all the time. But, unfortunately, that's just not life.

The great American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, wrote this classic line in his 1842 poem, The Rainy DayInto each life some rain must fall. His meaning? Everyone, at some point in their life, will experience some form of difficulty and heartache. It's definitely not something one looks forward to or even something one can prepare for. 

Well, isn't this such an uplifting thought for a Monday morning?

How about the flip side to that rather depressing thought: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

This may sound rather trite, but the meaning is really quite powerful: for those who love God, all things DO work together for good. That means there's actually a reason behind whatever valley you're traveling through today. And you may not know what good can come out of your experience until days, weeks, maybe even years later.

I was reminded of this principle while speaking with a dear sister in Christ at church this past Sunday.

She, too, suffers from hypothyroidism, and was able to switch to a more natural medication a while back. But recently she had been experiencing some symptoms that come with living with a slow acting thyroid: foggy brain, weight gain, hair loss, and fatigue. She happened to check out her prescription bottle and noticed that her medicine was a generic brand that had gone through a recall recently for being defective. A conversation that had taken place almost a year ago had come to mind. I had shared with her then how my medicine had been recalled and the pharmacists moved me over to the name brand after I complained of suffering some rather yucky syptoms. 

Armed with the information I had given her, she went back to her pharmacy and made the same switch. After just a few days on the right prescription, she was already starting to feel better.

It took having to go through this myself to later help someone suffering the same thing.

Was it fun? Did I particularly enjoy the physical, mental, and emotional "valley" that I had to trudge through at that time?

I'd be absolutely crazy if I said "Yes!"

No, it's not fun; but with any valley, always keep in mind any valuable lessons that you are able to learn. One day you may be a great help to another dear sister who is struggling with the same problem. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees... (Heb. 12:12)

That's one reason I share my story. I never know who's facing what, or who needs to be encouraged to hang in there...keep pressing onward! All things DO work together for His good! 

Which also leads me back to my theme for this year: Beauty from Ashes. The ashes of the valley can still lead to something quite beautiful.

Simply Encouraged,

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