Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back to Favorites...

Remember when I did posts once a week on my favorite products? Yeah...me too. I missed it...so here's posting that things are back on track again--not "normal" just back on track.

Let me introduce to you another of my favorites...
Did you know that Borax has other uses than just being a laundry booster? It's actually a multi-purpose household cleaner as well.

Borax has been around since...forever? I first started using it when I tried an experiment of making my own detergent. But there's something about Texas City water that never left my clothes smelling like the wonderful "homemade" detergent I was using (This is why we lovingly refer to our town as "Toxic City"). So I had this box left over and needed to put it to use...not just throw it away. The back of the box actually provided a list of uses and I experimented with a few of them. That's when I hit on a favorite: the dishwasher.

No, the dishwasher is not my favorite...wait, yes, it absolutely is but not in this post. By adding 1/4 cup of Borax to the bottom of my dishwasher I reduce spots and film from ALL my dishes: silverware, plastic storage containers, glasses....everything. No spots! Awesome!

This usually runs around $3.50 at Kroger and not everyplace sales them. If you find it cheaper elsewhere let me know. I definitely add this to my "Staples" on my grocery list.  Gotta have the Borax!

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