Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What It's Like...

I posted this magnificent photo a couple of months ago during the June Photo-A-Day Challenge...
Everything is so neat and clean.

This is what it looks like tonight, as I sit here writing...
This is not the result of entering my second trimester, which begins Thursday (if you wanted to know). I've been counting down the days until I can eat without chasing down my food with some Tums.

No, it's actually the result of being hired to teach three classes in our church school. These books are for my Spanish 2 class, while the Physics books are on the floor (which are not pictured), and the Algebra 1 books are in my school bag (also not pictured).

It's going to be a fun year. Teacher In-Service begins Wednesday, August 14th, with school following next week.

So in the last several months my life has drastically changed....and having baby just isn't one of them.

My posts may be sporadic. I may not see the computer for days at a time.

I'll be teaching a class on Teaching Methods for education majors in the college starting in six weeks and since life is just not crazy enough let's throw in moving! Lord willing we'll be moving into a rental home in about four weeks. Now that I am certainly excited for!

Hope you'll stick around and of course, leave me message as to how you're doing!

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