Monday, March 26, 2018

Is it Friday Yet?

I just knew it was going to be one of those "Mondays" when my scale gave me three different weights readings this morning. The plan is that every Monday I will pull out my scale, step on it to calibrate the digital readings, step off, and then try again. Since both the first and second reading were different, I thought why not go for a third reading.

:It was in kilograms. My calibration may have been a just a little too hard.

And because it's 5:45 on a Monday morning (sans coffee), I had to use my phone for the pound conversion. The weight range was between .2 to 3 pounds. We could go with the three pounds; but in all fairness to my weight loss journey, I'd like a little accuracy with my reading (and a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks--carbs included!!).  So Tomorrow morning is the re-do.

The rest of the day has pretty much followed in much the same fashion. First day back from Spring Break and little minds were still at home in bed. One student finished a stack of work last week and piled it on my desk to be graded. Science research papers are due Friday and you would have thought I just assigned them today and not three months ago. And with all that craziness going on I realized in fourth period I hadn't even drunk my coffee.

All I could think of as I stood  there in shock, holding my half full, now cold coffee was: How did I survive?

After all....
Batman and Robin couldn't do anything without a cup of joe either.

But hey, today is done, the kids are in bed, the house is quiet, and I'm hoping I'll wake up tomorrow and it will be Friday.

Please, oh please, let it be Friday!

Simply Hangin' On,

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