Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Coffee Make Over...

Just from the title alone you'd think this post was about....
No, this is not necessarily how coffee transforms me in the morning. Actually, I'm writing about how I've transformed my coffee.

I'm sure you were wondering (eagerly with anticipation) about how my second weigh-in went this morning: as depressing as ever. In one week I am down .6 pound, according to my digital scale. So not really one pound, but a little more than half.

Wow. There are no words....

Now that that's out of the way, on to happier things like coffee, for instance. If you read my earlier post about my first weigh-in HERE, I had discovered just how many carbs I was dumping into my coffee...coffee that I was drinking twice a day. Over the last twenty-two days my husband and I have switched from the powdered and liquid creamers for heavy whipping cream, and I'd even started adding a dash of cinnamon in mine...just for a little more flavor.

Seriously, it's not like it was before. I knew some sacrifices would have to be made, but it hurts when it's with my coffee. To tell you the truth, I've been merely tolerating it....

Until today. *Cue the music*

Yes, my coffee has been reinvented with these...
Torani French Vanilla SUGAR FREE syrup and Caramel Flavor Latte Foam: both from Walmart, both affordable, and both...

You read it right: both have 0 calories, 0 carbs, 0 sugar, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 EVERYTHING! And for the first time in twenty-two days I've had two delicious cups of coffee.

So. Happy!

All is right with the world...and kind of makes up for the less than stellar weight-loss.

Oh, I'm still working on that. I  downloaded a new app today that calculates my carbs, protein, calories, and fats for the day and accounts for my workouts and water intake. This is after I used the chart below (Thank you, Amber!) to figure out what my daily intake should be for optimal weight loss. 
If you would like a copy of this Keto-Calculator, simply send me an e-mail using the address under the "Contact Me" tab at the top of this blog, and I will be sure to send it on over.

And since we're just changing everything up, I'm looking into getting my daily thyroid medicine changed. One of it's side effects is weight gain. Hmmm....

Simply....well, I'm still simply being....

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