Thursday, May 24, 2018

Birthday Boy...

My oldest turned ten today. He is officially in double digits (as he so happily informed me) and has lived one decade.

Wow! You'd think living almost four decades would be more exciting, but to him a decade is gettin' on up there!

While he's out doing exciting things, like eating at Red Lobster and golfing with Dad; I, on the other hand, am sitting at the computer, flipping through pictures, and remembering this day ten years ago...
The nostalgia is overwhelming!

He once asked me if I remembered the time he was born. I caught myself before saying, "After seventeen hours of labor, Demerol, and a half epidural, yes, I do remember that day...quite well!" Instead, I went with, "Yes, Son. It was quite the day."

He was actually due on the 27th, but I was worried he'd come on my birthday. Some mothers may love the idea of sharing a birthday with a child; but for me, I could totally predict how my future birthdays would be celebrated: with parties...and not for me.

My contractions did start on the night of my birthday but they were sporadic at best, but by the next afternoon they were regularly five minutes apart and increasing in intensity.

It was by shear will-power I held him off until 3:35 the morning of the 24th, two days after my birthday. Yay me!

From this little cutie...
to this one...
(I'm saving this and many other great photos to one day pull out at the worse possible moment. What are Moms for?)

...into the young man he is today...

Happy Tenth Birthday, Son!

Now I'm off to Starbucks to drown my melancholia in caffeine. It's no fun growing old!

And because I couldn't help it, here's one more for old time's sake...
Simply Sentimental,


  1. Happy Birthday Great Nephew. 10 years and I still have not had the opportunity to meet you. Auntie Linda
