Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday Musings...

May for me begins the season of cleaning out: my school room, my school bag, my car (of everything from school), my house (because I dragged everything home from school to go through), my kid's rooms (all those unused school supplies from the year)'s the end of school. Time to roll up the sleeves and get rid of stuff that have accumulated over the year.

So I started easy this last weekend: I cleaned out my Pinterest boards.

Don't laugh too hard. Seriously, I had pins for maternity clothes (NOT pregnant), toddler activities (youngest almost done with preschool), projects I would never do (or were epic fails), and the number of multiple pins? It was time.

I realized one of my most populated boards is entitled Notable Quotes. I'm a sucker for a good quote, and have used them at school, in Bible lessons, with my kids...some are profound and really make you stop and think. Like this one:

Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining. 
--Teddy Roosevelt--

Oh, here's another one of my favorite, thought-provoking sayings:

As I look back on my life, every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.
--F. Scott Fitzgerald--

I have had first hand experience with this one.

But we are at the end of the school year, and in just a couple of weeks some of my students will graduate and begin a new chapter in their life. I'm super excited for them but sad at the same time.

I'm really going to miss them. I've enjoyed watching them mature these last few years, to take the things they've learned in class and make practical life applications.

Yet I fear for them and this crazy, mixed up world they're entering into...the college professors they will sit under and the humanistic, worldly philosophy they will be taught. The following quote becomes so poignant at this time:

You're always one decision away from a totally different life.

As my pastor preached this last Sunday night, every choice made is a reflection of the attitude of the heart. Proverbs 5:12 & 13 is a prime example of someone who hated instruction, and whose heart despised reproof.  He obeyed not the voice of his teachers, nor inclined his ear to them that instructed him. Because of this attitude he fell for the words of a strange woman whose feet went down to death. (Prov. 5:5) and plainly speaking, ruined his life with one choice.

This was not a person who had grown up without godly influences. No, this was someone who "...was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly." (Prov. 5:14) He was in church when he made this decision to ignore Biblical teaching!

We are all just one decision away from a totally different life. That's why it is so important to deal with sin immediately (Prov. 28:13--He that covereth his sins shall not prosper...) for the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.(Psalm 37:23)

I would rather have a life filled with steps ordered by the Lord than a life filled with scars and regrets from secret, sinful choices I made. Because in the end...

You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice.

Simply Musing this Monday Morning,

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I’m this for this admonishment from our pastor. Praying for our young people!
