Saturday, May 5, 2018

Defining Coffee...

Hello. My name is Kari...Hi, Kari...and I'm a coffee addict.

I know where you mind automatically runs to when you hear the word "addict." I would, too; especially since the first definition listed in the dictionary defines an addict as "a person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug." Nothing like using the term to define the term.

Coffee is not illegal (thank goodness for that!) and I don't drink enough to experience "drug-like" effects from the matter how much I joke about not being able to function without taking the first few sips of my morning cup of joe (i.e. my Pinterest board I Love Coffee!)

Everything in moderation.

What I would like to point out, however, is the second, most widely unknown, definition of the word addict--an enthusiastic devotee of a specified thing or activity.

Now that sounds more like it: I'm an enthusiastic devotee to drinking coffee (although "coffee addict" is much shorter).

To me coffee represents comfort: whether it be savoring a mug while being thoroughly engrossed in a good book, or simply sipping away while enjoying a heartfelt conversation between friends as we share our joys, sorrows, and struggles of everyday life.

A cup of creamy coffee is a time to chill, to step back and see the forest from the trees, or to just savor the small moments that bring us joy.

Hey, now...that's quite philosophical!

Now to combine coffee with organization...
...and Ta-Da! my own coffee bar.

A refurbished chest of drawers, Ikea shelves from a garage sale, and a coffee-pot shaped lamp that was given to me, make for one of my favorite spots in my house.

Remember when I mentioned my new San Antonio mug given to me this past week? It's one of many in my ever growing collection...
...mostly from states or cities I've visited over the years. Or some like this one...
...and this one...
...given to me by dear friends or family who have seen my collection and wanted to add to it. These let me know others were thinking of me and my crazy addiction collection. My Oregon and New Jersey mugs are special that way, too.

So even though I'm a coffee addict and I take my coffee and my mugs very seriously, it's because it represents wonderful and beautiful memories. Memories that are made each day, centered around a steamy, creamy cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Simply Making Memories One Cup At a Time,


  1. Aww! This made me smile! What an adorable coffee station!

  2. Coffee equals comfort is definitely how I feel about it!
