Saturday, June 23, 2018

"Synopsizing" Saturday...

That may be too big of a word after the week we've had here. But really, to synopsize means to make a synopsis of or to summarize...and since I've been absent for the week during which craziness has reigned supreme, I thought it best to use the word synopsize. But summing up would work just the same. So here are the bullet points of the week:

  • Our high day was close to 650 children, teachers, helpers, workers...anyone who stepped on the church grounds to help in some way, shape or fashion. If you were there, you were counted; although we did leave out the UPS and FedEx delivery men. That just wouldn't be right.
  • Afternoon nap time was a definite this week. There's nothing like sitting through an evening serving, trying to listen to the preaching of God's Word, when you have a fidgeting ten year old on one side and a squirming four year old on the other. The attention span was much better after a couple hours of much needed "recharging". 
  • There were over 125 verses memorized between my three kiddos this week. Even my baby came in with quoting a whopping 26 verses! Pretty good for someone who doesn't read.
  • I started taking my new blood pressure medication this week...and what a week to start! By day three I asked how long it would take to start feeling the effects because I was feeling awfully "chill". Come to think of it, I'm literally taking a "Chill Pill" now. Oh the irony!
  • Ninety-six children and four adults accepted Christ as Savior this week, making Heaven their new eternal destination. Knowing this, the craziness of the week was worth it all. Who knows how many more were affected by the sermons on missions and reaching the world with the Gospel.
But the most important bullet point of the week?
  • My baby asked the Lord to save him. On Thursday, after raising his hand during the invitation, a worker brought our son to my dear hubby who had the privilege of sharing the good news of how he could go to Heaven. My precious Jackson bowed his head and in his own words, asked the Lord to forgive him of his sin and take him to Heaven.
Yeah, it may have been busy...up early and late to bed...but after that last point, it was well worth it.

I'm back now...what did I miss? Was your week as busy as mine? Feel free to unload...

Simply Rejoicing,

1 comment:

  1. Busy week! Ours ended with a friday night of packing, but it was for our last deputaition meeting. Yay!! We just have to survive the 33 hours in the car that this week involves, and then we're done!
