Sunday, November 25, 2018


About a week ago I was cleaning out my music bag for church when I decided to downsize the Bible I was carrying. The current Bible along with notebooks of sheet music, songbooks, loose-leaf music, and any other music I've been handed while on any given Sunday, helped contribute to a bag that was quite heavy...and that's putting it mildly.

My "new" Bible, which is actually one my husband used to ask me to marry him over twelve years ago, is much, MUCH lighter and takes up alot less room than the other one.
As I opened my Bible Sunday morning at the start of the sermon, I found a piece of paper I had taped to the front cover entitled Top Ten Predictions for 2009.

My mind immediately went back to that year. We had just come through a crazy Presidential election, my oldest was only eight months old, my husband and I had just found out that we were expecting our daughter, and the refinery where my husband was working had cut everyone's hours due to the economy. The future seemed so uncertain.

In reading over the list I realized that these predictions are still very relevant to today...almost ten years later.

1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost.

Finding yourself in need of some encouragement as we head toward a brand new year? These predictions will still hold true no matter what unpredictable things may happen. As the prophet Malachi once penned: For I am the Lord, I change not. (Mal. 3:6)

Simply Anchored in Him,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post! These are great reminders that I needed. God is always the same!
