Monday, April 4, 2022

All Systems Go...

This is shuttle control. We are T minus 10 for lift have main engine start... three, two, one...we have lift off. I repeat, we have lift off!

This may sound like the countdown for a space shuttle launch, but it's not. Instead, this is me...every morning, ten seconds before my alarm goes off at 5:45. From the time that buzzer sounds and my feet hit the floor, this momma is off and running. Kids are up by 6:20, breakfast is made and eaten, lunches are packed, and we are headed out the door for school by seven. Homeroom starts at 7:30, lunches taken to the school refrigerator at 7:55, student devotions at 8:00, classes from then until 1:12...with a lunch thrown in there around noon.

By the time we all head home from school there are chores to do, homework to finish, dinner to make, a few loads of laundry to wash, a workout to fit in, a shower to take, and then...then it's time for everyone to just go. to. bed.

Bedtime has become my favorite time of the day. There is nothing like snuggling under the covers, surrounded by my favorite pillows, drifting off to dreamworld to the slow rhythmic breathing of My Dear Hubby. It's absolutely lovely.

And then comes the weekends. Those two days have their own unique schedules, a little more relaxed than during the week. Naps are definitely, definitely penciled in...maybe more like written in permanent ink. We cannot miss a nap! 

Our life is busy with family, ministry, and school, and I absolutely love it. Over the years I've learned different methods and techniques on how to manage my time so that I could be more effective all around; and in a few weeks, I'll be sharing how others can learn to manage their time more effective at our Ladies Array Fellowship.

This all sounds well and good; but in reality, Houston, we have a problem.

This past weekend our church hosted a couples conference; and it was during one of the ladies sessions, that the visiting pastor's wife began describing how easy it is for busy wives and moms to turn into what she called operating systems. In fact, when she started describing what it means to be an operating system, I was horrified to realized she was describing ME!

I've become so good at scheduling, making sure everyone is right in line, hair and clothes in place, house straightened, material ready to go, that I've turned myself into an impersonal operating system. 

Now don't get me wrong. Scheduling IS good. Doing work IS good. But many times I become so busy and so routine that I find myself operating on autopilot, without any heart behind it, especially on those days when I just don't feel like it. Over time layers of coldness and harshness build up and creep through into my words and my attitudes when dealing with my hubby and/or my children. After all, Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. (Matt. 12:34)

I realized I don't want to be known as "Mom: the Operating System." I want to be the Mom who...out of the good treasure of {her} heart bringeth for that which is good...(Luke 6:45) That means there has to be a change in my heart. I have got to have one that is soft, pliable, empathetic. Oh, how I desire for the Lord to give me one heart, and ...put a new spirit within me. I want Him to take my stony heart...and heart of flesh. (Ezek. 11:19)

No more cold operating systems here. Just a sinner who has been blessed to be a wife and a mother...

Simply Seeking a New Heart,

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