Monday, December 17, 2012

Showing the House...

So what exactly do you do when someone comes to look at your house? For the last few weeks I've pondered this question as we waited for the call from our real estate agent that I just knew would send us scurrying from our home. This last Saturday someone had made an appointment to come look at our house and we needed to fill an hour-and-a-half before we were to be at our church. What did we do?
First things first (Priorities, People!), we went to Shipley's for breakfast. It's the second best way to start the day, following a delicious cup of coffee.

With our stomachs full we took the kids to feed the ducks at our local community college...
I felt like I was in old Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds. It took everything in my being not to turn around and run screaming to the safety of our car. I was having visions of them pecking away at my legs and feet. These birds are so used to being fed that they had no qualms walking right up to you. Like this one...
Let me just say I was not zoomed in. This guy was literally at my feet...and he followed me around. I really think he wanted to come home with me or it may have been that he wanted me to take more pictures of him. After all, I did ask him if it would be alright to take his photo for my blog. I do believe he posed for the shot!

Here's the gathering that I believe was sending Michael the subliminal message: Drop the bread, Little Boy. Drop it right there.
There were the cutest baby ducks that were too shy to come ashore...
And then there was this guy...
He was my favorite. It may be the "hair" thing. I usually look just like that when I wake up in the morning...minus the bill, feathers, and webbed feet, mind you.

Everyone was happy...
And we all walked away feeling one with nature.

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