Thursday, May 30, 2013

Behind the Scenes Photographer...

In my last post I mentioned that my children were the flower girl and ring bearer in a wedding of some very dear friends of ours.
My sister, who was the photographer, asked if I'd bring my new camera and get some behind the scenes photos. Both her and I scoured through Pinterest looking at all kinds of ideas for wedding photos and then tried to re-create them on our own. I had the easy part of getting the fun pictures, those that would bring to mind different events from that special day...the kind now I wish I had from when I got married.

Like the flowers...
...the hair...
...the shoes (which were fabulous, by the way!)...
...the decorations...
...which I took again later with the bride and groom in the background...

...and the cake (my favorite)...
Next we moved on to special little events that make up the wedding day; like, Daddy seeing his daughter all dressed up for the first time...
Her Dad was so choked up it made me tear up, but what a way to capture this special moment.

Then there was the bride walking to get her pictures taken...
...the pianist playing...
...the flower girls going down the aisle...
...the bride and groom, now husband and wife, walking back to take pictures after the ceremony...
...the groom stopping to kiss his new bride...
...and because we just love kissing photos at weddings we went for one more...
Then just for fun my sister and I took a picture of each other taking a picture...of each other!
What wonderful, fun memories. And I had such a fabulous time using my new camera! If you'd like to check out all the other photos I took then head on over to our family website: Just the Three of Us: The Smiths. Enjoy!


  1. Kari, you and Kathy did a fantastic job. You not only captured the day, you captured personalities, moments and memories. Thank you so much! :)

  2. It was our pleasure! I had so much fun...thank you for letting me be intrusive with my camera! :)

  3. I know this is a year and a half late, but I'm just now seeing it. Thank you for all that you two did in our wedding. The pictures were beautiful and we absolutely loved having your kids in the wedding. :)
