Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Phoneless Frenzy...

Let me begin by dropping this little "bombshell": I have no phone. (I hope you weren't thinking: She's pregnant. Um....no.)

This is not a joke: I seriously have no phone right now.

It didn't matter that I spent good money on a case that was supposed to keep the phone from breaking when it was dropped. It didn't even matter that my calendar, my address book, my e-mail, my shopping list...my brain was on that phone. One drop and the screen cracked in four places and went completely black.

I didn't even realize my phone was broken until it began vibrating from an incoming call. It wasn't until I pulled it out of my purse where there was nothing on my screen. It was still vibrating but nothing else.

Panic...pure panic started to set in.

I took a guess that it was my husband calling from his office and was able to borrow a dear young lady's phone to call him back....only to find out my son was having an asthma attack and my hubby needed to know where the rescue inhaler we keep in the office was located.

I know, right? This just gets better and better.

By the time I reached the Verizon store (with three kids, mind you) I was almost on the verge of hysteria. Carefully pulling out my broken phone I frantically whispered to the sales woman: Help me! I can't get to my shopping list, or make a call, or text anyone!

My dear hubby wanted to know why I didn't write down a list of what I needed at the store instead of relying on my "brain" (aka my SMARTphone). This is me...
The guessing gets old by the second trip...in the same week.

For me it feels like the world is coming to an end and I have no communication with the outside.

How in the world did we ever make it before cell phones? You know, now that I think about it, my kids will never know what it was like to have a home phone line where anyone could pick up anywhere in the house and listen to your conversation. Nor will they ever know what it was like to use a pay phone. Oh the germs!

My daughter will never be humiliated by one of her brothers announcing to the world after answering the land line: Melody, it's for you and it's a BOY!

No, I reserve that right to say that to her.

Even the way we texted back then (You know, back in the early 2000's) is archaic compared to today...
By tomorrow I should be back online and ready for action. But until then I need some advice: What would you do with no phone?

Simply Phoneless (and Feeling a Little Lost),

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea what I would do without my phone. And I occasionally write out a grocery list, but then I take a pic of it with my phone because I usually forget the list. 😏
