Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Weighing In...

It feels so long ago since I wrote a title "Weighing In". Back "in those days" (aka four months ago) I was militant about what I ate and the exercise that I did. Then May hit and everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, went right out the window.

There were a few weeks there in June where we were at home, not running anywhere...just simply enjoying the summer, when we were able to get back to somewhat of a routine. Then came VBS/Missions Conference, my parent's anniversary party, and then July.

Needless to say I was certainly dreading my three month check-up with my endocrinologists last week and that dreaded, awful scale.

I just want to pause here and ask: does anyone else take their shoes off when you step on the scale at the doctor's office? I do but now that I think abou it, does it really help me weigh any less? Hmmm....

So after taking off my shoes I kept my eyes trained on the wall in front of me, refusing to look down as the nurse began adjusting the sliders.

Ok...I may have been watching out of my peripheral to see how far over that bottom slider went before the scale evened out.

WHAT?!?!? just sort of slipped out before I could stop it, scaring the poor nurse.

Then I took a really good look: THREE POUNDS less than the last time I was in there three months ago! This brings my weight loss total to TEN pounds!

And just so you know, we've been celebrating this whole last week. I may have just gained all ten of those pounds back, BUT at least I know now that weight loss can be done!

So once things are calmed for a week at least, it's back to my Carb Manager app and exercising. Haven't done that in a few months and my muscles have lost their tone. It's a sad day when I get winded walking up steps.

Simply "S"elebrating Once Again,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I’ve been doing well in the exercising, but horrible in the dieting ☹️ Still trying to get back on track.
