Saturday, November 3, 2018

Just a Chore...

Laundry: it's the bane of my existance...and if you're not quite sure what bane actually means, Google defines it as "a cause of great distress or annoyance." The only time I really ever stress about it is when it occurs to me that it's been three days since I did a load; and annoyance? Totally fits.

When you live in a house of five people, you can't really afford to miss a day of throwing in at least one load...or you'll be stuck doing seven loads on a Saturday. You know, the one day where NOT working would be greatly appreciated.

I'm speaking from personal experience...and it wasn't three days I'd missed but five. After adding the seventh load into the dryer I was so proud of me for not doing this...
This past summer I started teaching my older two how to start their own loads of laundry. It was a step-up from the job of just folding and putting their clothes away, and they were actually pretty enthusiastic about pouring in the detergent and adding the fabric softener. Even moving the load from the washer into the dryer didn't seem so daunting. But tell them to go fold their clothes once they're dry?

You would have thought I had asked them to go get me the moon.

Now there are some weeks where, when I do find a spare minute, laundry is the LAST thing I want to do. There are more important things like games of Yatzee with the family...
And let's throw in a few wins for Mommy...
...and all that's left to say is, "Laundry? What laundry?"

"Oh, you mean the load forgotten in the dryer?"

It's ok. It'll still be there when the game's done, or dinner's cooked, or I've enjoyed another cup of coffee...anything else I can find to fill in that blank.

Have a household chore you hate doing? Do share.

Simply Heading to the Dryer Now,

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