Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Sometimes when I'm reading (something I like to do alot), a particular phrase will grab my attention and I find myself mulling over the meaning. A few weeks ago I was reading a new release from a favorite fictional author when I came across this little gem:

Time gives us all the gift of perspective.

In this particular story, an old man is reminiscing about his life: both his successes and his failures...the times he regretted his actions or his behavior. Looking back, he wished he could go back and do things differently. Instead he was left with nothing but regrets...and a different perspective than the one from his youth.

As one poet wrote: Regret is a bitter pill to swallow with its jagged edges of consequence and unchanging finality.

It made me wonder then: Is this why the Lord instructed the aged women to be teachers of good things? Good things like being sober (emotional or silly), loving their husband and children, being discreet (showing self-restraint in speech and behavior), being chaste (pure), being obedient...that the word of God be not blasphemed? (Titus 2:3-5)

Does time really give older women the gift of perspective?

I really believe it does. If I think back to those by-gone days of my twenties and thirties (let's just skip over those awkward teen years, shall we?), I could point out times where, if I were to face those situations again, time would have given me a different perspective on the whole situation. In turn, my responses would be completely different than they were back then. How nice it would be to live without regrets. 

No wonder it's important that the aged women are to be teachers of good things. If we could help just one young lady avoid a folly of youth, how much better her life will be! But then that means that we ourselves must be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers...there are always qualifications for those desiring to be effective teachers.

So for me, I'm....

Simply Seeking Perspective,

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