Monday, July 18, 2022

Counter Clearout...

How are we doing this lovely Monday morning? Are you ten items lighter today? So many of you commented on your different methods of cleaning out and having already had to do it for remodeling projects. I envy y'all with that, cleaning out AND getting a room-lift.

I spent the week deep cleaning; and when I say "deep-cleaning," I mean down on my hands and knees scrubbing floors, walls, and baseboards. Some rooms have been vacuumed twice just because. I love the vacuum marks on the floor that by the end of the week when they've disappeared, I'm ready to see them back. 

So even though this week was spent a bit differently than last week, I still managed to get rid of ten more things to complete the challenge right along with you. Hard to believe that I had anything else left to get rid of but trust me, there totally was.

Are you ready for something new this week? I have to admit that what I'm about to write may really seem like an impossibility...I was super skeptical when I first tried it. But let me tell you, I am soooo happy I did. 

Here's your mission for this week if you choose to accept it. With the title of "Operation Counter Clearout," you are challenged to leave only five items on your counters in your kitchen. There's no cheating on this leaving five items on one side of the kitchen and five items on the other side. This means a total of FIVE items only, no matter how large of a space your dealing with.
Before you write this off, hear me out. It took me a year to pair down the items on my counters. This meant having to organize my pantry and some of my cabinets so that I would have storage places for the George Foreman, the air fryer, the stand mixer....all those big items. Now I'm down to a cooking utensil crock, our new toaster (an upgrade from a two slicer to a four--way harder to store!), the dish drainer, the paper towel holder, and my household planner. 
It can be done! It's ok if you're a bit skeptical. Why not start with storing away one or two...maybe three...items this week and see how much more space it creates! I absolutely love the feeling of walking into my kitchen first thing in the morning to get my coffee and it looks soooooo clean!! The rest of the house may look like trash but the kitchen? It's beautiful!

Are you up for the challenge? Again, five is the goal, but we need to celebrate those small changes, too! So be sure to come back and leave a comment!

Now go out there and be awesome!

Simply Simplifying,


  1. I’m down to five things on my counter, including a giant fruit basket that my realtor said was necessary for staging. I love my uncluttered kitchen, but I really wish that fruit would do the job of selling my house! 🤪 —Jill

    1. Ha!! I had a bowl of fruit on mine, too but with the heat this summer I opted to move the fruit to the fridge.
